Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change In America

President Elect Obama was not my first choice, my second, or even my third. I am however looking forward to his administration with a great deal of interest. Interest because of his striking lack of governmental experience.

Our next President has held political office for such a short time that we have no way of possibly understanding what caliber of President he will be. He could be one of our greatest, one of our worst, or anywhere in between, and I don’t think that anyone in this nation can have a reasonable understanding of how he will perform in the office, good or bad.

I think that change is exactly what our nation needs at this time, but I know that change is only good if it is change for the better. We will have change, but will it be change for the better? That is what I am longing to discover.

I hope that he has a remarkably successful Presidency. He certainly has all the tools he needs to do so. I just wish that he had held previous offices long enough so that we could better know. I suppose however that such knowing would kill this interesting curiosity I am currently feeling.

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