Thursday, October 30, 2008


Anais Nin wrote a truly remarkable diary over the course of her life, a work that will likely go down in history as one of the great literary feats of our time. She was forced to write the work with pen, paper, a large and heavy typewriter. She was forced to store the work in boxes, iron strongboxes for it's protection. As I understand it, to this day the diary in it's entirety can not be published because the sheer volume of the work makes doing so a financial impracticality.

Today we have amazing tools at our disposal.

I am able to write this post on a small and portable machine that not only accepts the keystrokes I input into it, but which also serves as the largest research library ever known to man.

I am able to publish these words instantly, without any financial cost to myself.

I am able to do these things from virtually anywhere. From my office, from the road, from my bed. Without wires, without artificial restriction.

When Ms. Nin's soul commanded her to create that creation was made immeasurably more difficult due to the lack of tools she had available to her. Today, when our souls command us to create, our tools make it possible to do so without a second thought as to the how.

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