Friday, October 31, 2008


All healthy heterosexual men look at beautiful women. I think everyone knows this fact, but perhaps I’m a tad bit different because I admit that I do it. Frequently. Every chance I get as a matter of fact.

I have noticed, in my looking, that my tastes have changed through the years, aged as I have aged.

Some men are forever attracted to the very young. The 18 to 21 year old hottie.

I am not. I notice that when I see such a ‘hottie’ in person, they look way too young to me. Not hot, not sexy, just young.

This is very disconcerting on occasion when it comes to erotica. Intellectually I know that the woman in question must be over eighteen years, but she looks like a child to me. I must confess that I don’t see the attraction men my age (late thirty’s) have for these very young women, as the women who are now so very sexy to me are indeed closer to my own age.

I wonder if some men get stuck somehow. If their erotic imaginations don’t become stuck at a certain age, and remain there for the rest of their lives. I wonder if an extreme form of this ‘fantasies getting stuck’ phenomenon isn’t one of the reasons for the horrible crime of child molestation.

All I do know for sure is that I am not stuck. Give me thirty plus years any day!

I must say that I think my finding of more mature women as the most sexy of women has a very practical benefit as well. Practice does indeed make perfect, in the bedroom as in everywhere else. That eighteen year old hottie most men seem to lust after just hasn’t had enough practice!

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