Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Dedication

I woke this morning to find wonderful messages from Miss Honey, both here on the blog, and in my email box. Her compliments, her encouragement, ensured a perfect start to my day.

Today’s posts are dedicated to Miss Honey, a woman who has given me much with her kind words.


Miss Honey said...

When I first started my blog I wasn't exactly sure why, chronicle events, express opinions, share my adventures, talk naughty on occasion. A myriad of reason... but really it has come to be a way to connect with many different people on many levels. And while I do not try to please all the people all the time. I feel positive and good when I get a comment that show me something I have created has touched someone else.

All this said, I am touched by your kind words and honored to share in your own journey by including you on my blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you as you create as your writing is wonderful.

:) Honey

C.M. Bailey said...


Thank you once again, I appreciate all of your kind words, and have found your own blog to be tremendous fun!