Saturday, November 1, 2008


The one constant in my mind is change. Changing interests, changing passions, changing desires. I am not today the same man I was yesterday, will not tomorrow be the same man I was today.

I believe that this change keeps me forever interested in my life, forever interested in my passions. I hope that it serves to keep me interesting as well, prevents those around me from becoming bored listening to me. I like to think that they, like me, find broad interests, broad passions, and broad conversation forever interesting.

The elegance that comes from good form, good function, good behavior, this elegance is the only constant I seek. My passions change, my interests change, but these changes move only from the elegant to the elegant. Perfection to perfection, function to function. Elegance not in continuing use, but elegance in and by design.

Today I may devote my entire energy, my complete focus to the elegant design, the form and function of vintage and restored Airstream travel trailers, these past icons of the highway, reborn, returned to their former glories. Tomorrow I may forget that passion, that focus, as it is replaced with a similar energy devoted to the very finest in English smoking pipes. On and on the changes occur, inevitably returning to past interests of course, yet one never knows when. An interest in antique smoking pipes will flare within me, then wane, always to return, yet on a schedule impossible to predict.

Tonight I may dream of a woman, energetic, strong, passionate, selfish, demanding, perhaps a bit cruel. Me her obedient toy struggling to bring her bliss. Serving her lusts, satisfying her lusts at her command, and as she commands. Tomorrow in my dreams she has changed. A woman yielding, soft, submissive, bound, taken, overwhelmed. Her body existing to be used for my pleasure, obeying my demands that she give up her will to find a more perfect bliss.

These changing passions, my changing desires, these changes are not frightening to me, rather they are liberating. They liberate me from the mundane, liberate me from sameness.

I want a life of color, a life of excitement, explosions of color. Never grey, never drab, and never dull. I fear that a plain life, a life of grey, a life in which passions are not embraced, are not explored, is a life barely worth living. A life that must be tolerated instead of celebrated.


Miss Honey said...

>I am not today the same man I was yesterday, will not tomorrow be the same man I was today.

What a simply elegant and powerful statement. Your writing is beautiful. Going to read more now.

Miss Honey said...

Thank you for this post it was wonderful and really got me thinking about change and inspired some of my own writing this way too early morning.

C.M. Bailey said...


Thank you for your very kind words. I am frankly thrilled to have received the first comments upon my little blog, and equally thrilled that my own words touched you.